Friday, July 06, 2012

Imperialist, Incompetent, or Ideologue? All?

    1. DREAM Act:
    2. Dodd-Frank Act: hurting community banks
    3.   Cyber-Attack Leaks Put US in Danger
    4. Tax the rich - (class warfare) 
    5. Broken Promises to American People: "transparency"  "accountability"  "reduce the deficit by half in his first term"  "bringing people together"
    6. trial of Khaled Sheik Mohammed
    7. Fast and Furious (coverup?)
    8. killing of Anwar al-Awlaki
    9. News for Nanny State
    10. White House vs. Property Rights:  (Bankruptcy): General Motors and Chrysler bond holders
    11. simpson-bowles commission (ignored)
    12. Cap and trade Legislation
    13. "Czar" Van Jones
    14. affiliation with SEIU
    15. Fisker Motors
    16. White House vs. Pro-Life:   (reference Chen Guangcheng)
    17. Dr. Shakil Afridi
    18. Polish death camps 
    19. Social Security bankruptcy
    20.  SEIU union favoritism and access to the White House
    21. ACORN:   Obama Joined ACORN-Linked 'New Party' in 1990s
    22. ObamaScare:  Louisiana Purchase, Gator-aid, Cornhusker Kickback (logrolling)
    23.  federal budgets to INCREASE spending
    24.  ObamaScare (20 new taxes)
    25.  Iran 
    26.  Keystone Pipeline
    27.  Solyndra, First Solar,Raser Technologies, ECOtality, Nevada Geothermal Power, Abound Solar, Beacon Power, SunPower
    28.  ObamaScare:  individual MANDATES 
    29.  loans to Brazil and Brazilian oil purchases
    30. Rev. Jeremiah Wright
    31. White House vs. Supreme Court 
    32. White House vs. Senator Jim Inhofe:  Global Warming
    33. TSA vs. Privacy:  Airport Security
    34. Birth Certificates
    35. Cash for Clunkers
    36. College Transcripts (hidden)
    37. 1,000,000 Chevy Volts on the highway
    38. White House vs. Arizona:  Immigration:  Protection of the border
    39. Anti-capitalism:  "fat-cats" and other monikers
    40. GSA conferences in Las Vegas
    41. NLRB vs. Boeing
    42. White House vs. Fox News:  "not a legitimate news organization"
    43. High gasoline prices
    44. Home foreclosures - tinkering but not solving the problem
    45. Speeches in Cairo, Berlin
    46. Bowing to Saudi Arabia's King
    47. Not supporting a Balanced Budget amendment
    48. 40% increase in Food Stamps
    49. Growth of Federal entitlements:  
    50. 50% of Americans pay no income taxes
    51. Denigration of American exceptional-ism
    52. Holding the record for the number of fund raising events during office
    53. White House vs. Utilities: Cap and Trade legislation to increase costs of fossil fuels (electricity)
    54. White House vs. Doctors:  Medicare Doc fixes; 
    55. Executive Orders to go around Congress
    56. White House  Using Signing Statements after he criticized Bush for doing the same thing

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