Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ignoring Glenn Beck — And Us - IBD - Investors.com

Ignoring Glenn Beck — And Us - IBD - Investors.com

Grass Roots: The president says he didn't watch any of Glenn Beck's "Restore Honor" rally on the National Mall. That's not surprising. Democrats and the White House haven't been listening to the people for awhile.

U.N. Human Wrongs - IBD - Investors.com

U.N. Human Wrongs - IBD - Investors.com

United Nations: The U.S. State Department is holding up Arizona as America's human rights problem, fishing for applause from the likes of Cuba and Libya. But Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer isn't taking it lying down.

U.N. Human Wrongs - IBD - Investors.com

U.N. Human Wrongs - IBD - Investors.com

United Nations: The U.S. State Department is holding up Arizona as America's human rights problem, fishing for applause from the likes of Cuba and Libya. But Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer isn't taking it lying down.

Wall Street Strategies

Wall Street Strategies: "It's an amazing feat to get people to fight tooth and nail for crumbs. It all begins by getting them to have no shame in living off the benevolence of others, or even despising the very sources of the money. The government is the conduit, but it's only because there is prosperity in pockets of the economy that we could support 41 million people on food stamps.

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Glenn Beck’s Rally | FrontPage Magazine

Glenn Beck’s Rally | FrontPage Magazine: "There is no figure on the public scene who has done more to educate millions of Americans as to the nature of this neo-communist left than the leader of Saturday’s demonstration: Glenn Beck. It is because of his exposure of the Democrats as progressive wolves in “liberal” sheep’s clothing that Glenn Beck is at top of the liberal hate lists; it is for the same reason that hundreds of thousands of conservatives across the country answered his call. That is the political dimension of what transpired on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Political Wisdom: Glenn Beck’s Rally - Capital Journal - WSJ

Political Wisdom: Glenn Beck’s Rally - Capital Journal - WSJ: "While Beck’s rally emphasized belief in God, Obama’s generally emphasized himself as a savior of the American people. This, I believe, was the contrast the talk radio and television personality was trying to achieve. Beck’s rally, and the speakers who addressed the crowd, were continually thanking God and Beck for bringing such an inspiring crowd together.

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Print Story: Brewer condemns report to UN mentioning Ariz. law - Yahoo! News

Print Story: Brewer condemns report to UN mentioning Ariz. law - Yahoo! News: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Talk about tawdry behavior by the Obama Administration.........

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mexican massacre investigator found dead | World news | The Guardian

Mexican massacre investigator found dead | World news | The Guardian: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

With death and violence just across our border why are we wasting time debating about securing our border? Isn't this a national security issue?

Bad statistics for summer employment for youth | McClatchy

Bad statistics for summer employment for youth | McClatchy: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Maybe more debate about "Minimum wage" would be helpful.

The Most Fiscally Irresponsible Government in U.S. History - US News and World Report

The Most Fiscally Irresponsible Government in U.S. History - US News and World Report: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

If the American people are either unable or unwilling to make some dramatic changes in Congress then this Republic will indeed become a second tier economic power. China will become the dominate economic and polical super-power sooner rather than later and our standard of living will fall.

Every American generation has said they want their children to be better off than themselves. The Baby Boomer generaion may be unable to make that claim if we do not do some political house-cleaning - and soon.

Jackson Hole Debate on Recession Risk Shows Bernanke Challenge - Bloomberg

Jackson Hole Debate on Recession Risk Shows Bernanke Challenge - Bloomberg: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

With the economy struggling it should be apparent that the debate should continue vigorously about how we will "successfully" exit the current problems. Our politicians have screwed up the economy and we should now listen more to business leaders. Anyone who writes paychecks and hires and fires people should have more input about our economic conditions than should some stupid politician.

Term limits for congress would be a great place to start making some needed changes. I hope someone is listening to the concerns of the people.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Traders Freaking Out Over WSJ Report On The Fed: Heres Why: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Traders Freaking Out Over WSJ Report On The Fed: Heres Why: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance: "The Fed is still way behind the curve in terms of how bad the economy is. It's paralyzed.

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jimmy rogers is right! teach your children mandarin damien hoffman says: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

jimmy rogers is right! teach your children mandarin damien hoffman says: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance: "Hoffman worries a disappearing middle class and a compromised currency 'doesn't bode well' for living standards in America. He warns that unless we fundamentally fix our economic imbalances it'll be wise to teach our children Mandarin -- one of the prime reasons famed investor Jimmy Rogers says he moved his family to Singapore more-than three years ago.

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Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News

Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News: "Sales of previously owned U.S. homes dropped more steeply than expected in July to their lowest pace in 15 years, an industry group said on Tuesday, implying further loss of momentum in the economic recovery. The National Association of Realtors said sales dropped a record 27.2 percent from June to an annual rate of 3.83 million units, the lowest level since May 1995. June's sales pace was revised down to a 5.26 million-unit pace.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

American Thinker Blog: Obama, Black Liberation Theology and Karl Marx...Revisited

American Thinker Blog: Obama, Black Liberation Theology and Karl Marx...Revisited: "If Obama had not himself made such a big deal of his faith during the campaign, I doubt seriously that this would still be an issue. However, since Barack Obama made closing the God-gap one of his primary missions in campaign '08, it hardly seems fair to now put his faith out of bounds for earnest public discussion.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

CBO sees difficult economic times ahead - Yahoo! News

CBO sees difficult economic times ahead - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. economy faces even more difficult times ahead with chronic high unemployment rates and slow manufacturing growth hurting the recovery, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf said on Thursday.

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Wall Street Strategies

Wall Street Strategies: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

After all the bailouts and easy money, it turns out banks have only recently begun easing lending standards for would-be homebuyers and businesses. With demand in the gutter, banks (who are actually in business to lend money when not getting freebies from the government) have to fight for business, and that's great news. With the kind of money on the sidelines that will eventually seek returns, banks understand they must make it easier to seduce reluctant borrowers-in-waiting into the mix. It's only a trickle right now, but banks are lowering standards, and at some point will make getting loans more attractive.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Media Miss Cartels' War In U.S. - IBD - Investors.com

Media Miss Cartels' War In U.S. - IBD - Investors.com: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Los Angeles and its suburbs are in grave danger of becoming outposts for Mexican drug- and immigrant-smuggling cartels, according to local law enforcement officials.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Freeing Up Trade - IBD - Investors.com

Freeing Up Trade - IBD - Investors.com: "The U.S. trade deficit unexpectedly widened by a record $7.9 billion to $49.9 billion, with U.S. shipments abroad tumbling the most since October 2008. The reason that sticks out is President Obama's failure to open a single new market to U.S. exports in the 18 months of his presidency.

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