Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama vs. America

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

"The Great Destroyer" by David Limbaugh - Barrack Obama's War on the Republic

The Great DestroyerBarack Obama's War on the Republic

  1. White House vs. Voter Intimidation:  New Black Panthers
  2. Social Security Disability Fund Nears Collapse
  3. Executive Privilege:   Operation Fast and Furious
  4. Executive Orders:  separation of powers 
  5. White House vs. Senate:  recess appointments
  6. White House vs. Economic Recovery: unwillingness to listen to Republicans
  7. White House vs. National Security:  Cyber-Attack Leaks Put US in Danger
  8. White House vs. 2008 Promises to American People: "transparency"  "accountability"  "reduce the deficit by half in his first term"  "bringing people together"
  9. White House vs. New York City: trial of Khaled Sheik Mohammed
  10. White House killing of Anwar al-Awlaki
  11. White House vs. Obesity: News for Nanny State
  12. White House vs. Property Rights:  (Bankruptcy): General Motors and Chrysler bond holders
  13. White House vs. Fedral Debt and Deficits: ignoring simpson-bowles commission 
  14. EPA (Sierra Club) vs. Electricity:  cost of electricity to increase
  15. "Czar" Van Jones
  16. White House vs. Pro-Life:   (reference Chen Guangcheng)
  17. White House vs. Pakistan: Dr. Shakil Afridi
  18. White House vs. Social Security - bankruptcy  
  19. White House vs. Right to Work:  NLRB vs. Boeing
  20. White House vs. US Oil and Gas:  loans to Brazil and Brazilian oil purchases
  21. White House vs. Supreme Court :  campaign  financing
  22. White House vs. Senator Jim Inhofe:  Global Warming
  23. White House vs. Arizona:  Immigration:  Protection of the border
  24. White House vs. Fox News:  "not a legitimate news organization"
  25. White House vs. Utilities: Cap and Trade legislation to increase costs of fossil fuels (electricity)
  26. White House vs. Doctors:  Medicare Doc fixes; 
  27. White House vs. Congress:  Using Signing Statements after he criticized Bush for doing the same thing
  28. White House vs. Catholics Decrease in Religious liberty (Obama-care)
  29. White House vs. Creditors: Bailout of General Motors and Chrysler
  30. White House vs. Taxpayers: Bailout of AIG
  31. White House vs. Wall Street: Anti-business administration (War against the 1%)
  32. First and only downgrade of US credit rating by S&P
  33. White House vs. Tea Party: bashed Tea Party but supported Occupy Wall Street
  34. White House vs. President Bush: Blaming everything on President Bush since 2008

Budgetary Magic: Funding of Obamacare

From reading and listening to all the learned pundits it seems remarkable that no one has really ever tried to show in some concrete way how the 111 Congress and the Obama Administration were able to say with a straight face that they passed ObamaCare and balanced the budget all at the same time.  Remember they wanted to give 43 million people health insurance and not increase the federal deficit...  the problem was how to pay for it.

Here is how they were able to do it:

  • Make the drug companies reduce the prices of their drugs by $80 billion (coercision?)
  • Take $500 million from Medicare and Indian health service (deception?)
  • Force 300 million buy health insurance for $900 million (constitutional?) (tax)
  • Increase payroll taxes
  • Force 50 states to use Medicaid to subsidize the future regional health pools (constitutional?)
  • Regulate the insurance industry to force them to reduce costs 
  • Force the insurance industry to accept more people
The CBO was able to certify that the budget would not be busted because ObamaCare was going to push all the costs to the states and citizens of this country which meant the cost to the federal government would not result in a deficit..  The only thing that the federal government will now pay is the cost of regulating the insurance industry and the enforcement efforts by the IRS.

The consequences of this White House and Congressional shell game was to shift the cost burden onto the shoulders of the citizens and the states.  They did not reduce costs -  they just rearranged the cost pools until the burden was off Uncle Sam.  We will either pay for this legislation through payroll taxes, income taxes, or being forcibly required to pay for federally mandated health insurance's coverage which the consumer will have no choice except to write the check.  The federal government will dictate everything - the cost of insurance, what will be covered by insurance policies, etc.

Eventually the insurance industry will no longer exist; we will be left with only the federal government selling us our insurance policies.  I am not looking forward to the day that we have to stand in line to buy insurance policies like we have to purchase car tags.

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Questions - Why do we need Government?

Sometimes questions are more valuable than are the answers.

Academics have probably published articles that are directly or indirectly related to these questions and they have offered solutions. The problem is that the solutions offered by academics are just that - their academic opinions. Academics are not in the market place competing for profits and they can avoid the harsh realities of the market place. Economists use complex mathematical formulas to test the correlation of every possiblility for the future but they do not have to live with the consequences of failure.

When push-comes-to-shove people have to ask themselves these questions often and everyone will probably have an answer that is unique to their circumstances. Some questions are more relevant than others but at one point or another every business person alive has or will ask themselves these questions. Good luck with your answers.

If Social Security Trustees think that it is going bankrupt in the near future, why have we reduced the Social Secnuity payroll tax rates?  Aren't we just making matters worse, much less even more striking that come January 2013 the tax rate will increase?

Why does inefficient, costly and unresponsive government continue to grow while the people and companies that could do the work much better are regulated and taxed out of existence?

Who takes the biggest risk in the market place: government bureaucrats or investors?

Am I morally and/or ethically responsible to provide personal charity to less fortunate?  Is charity the proper role for government?

Should the government spend more taxpayer money to create jobs? If yes, why should I work so hard?

Do we want the government to raise taxes so they can spend more taxpayer money to create jobs?

What is the solution to permanent job creation in this this country: Government or private industry?

Does a business person start a business, with all the associated headaches, to make a profit or to get the opportunity pay more taxes?

Why would any sane person want to risk their life savings to start a business?

Why would any sane person want to risk their reputations and freedom to start a business with a government looking to prosecute them at every turn?

Why would any sane person want to read volumes and volumes of tax manuals, hire CPA's, and employ accountants just for the privilege of being self-employed? Is being self-employed prestigious?

Why would any sane person want to manage employees and keep them motivated to help him/her make a profit?

Will I have to work 24/7/366 to make a profit?  How much of the profit can I expect to keep in the future, and how much is fair?

Why would any sane person want to pay unemployment taxes, payroll taxes, income taxes, property taxes and put up with government regulations without any guarantee of profit?

Does a person need to be insane to start a business? How much fun is it , anyway?

Will the government protect private contracts in the future? Is the government your friend or enemy?

Will the government impose restrictions on me in the future that will injure my business?

Will it be possible in the future for another Bill Gates to take $500 and start his own business in his garage?

Will the government help me prosper or will it tax me to death? Does the profit belong to you or the government?

Should I have an MBA, PhD or BS before I start my business?

Which of the following risk factors must/should I worry about the most in my business decisions: hiring, firing, finances, legal, accounting, record-keeping, marketing, sales, income taxes, insurance, interest rates, cash-flow, human resources, contracts, etc?

How much money do I have to borrow to grow my business?  Is capital available at reasonable rates?

Which part of the Federal Register should I read before, during, or after I start a business?  Does the average person get to suggest changes in the Federal Register, if not, why not?

Are you on track to stash away 11 times your annual salary for retirement? That's just one step to being a financially independent retiree, according to MarketWatch columnist Robert Powell. 

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ObamaScare - a distillation of the law

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass the law so we could find out what is in it,.  Facts and consequences of the law have come out in dabs and dribbles.  I will try to lay out the facts and consequences as gathered from pundits, editorials, and studies by the States.  Please feel free to correct me with any errors of fact.  Notably this task is a work-in-progress to find out about the consequences of ObamaScare.

Facts (ObamaScare is a minefield full of taxes for every citizen, loopholes, conundrums, and "gotchas")

  • The Congressional Budget Office predicts ObamaScare (Affordable Care Act) will cost taxpayers $2 trillion when fully implemented
  • The vast majority of the un-insured are being dumped into Medicaid
  • Employees at small firms will face an individual tax of as much as $2,085 per family if they do not have the government-sanctioned level of coverage
  • Based on Oklahoma Employment Security Commission statistics, 5.67% of Oklahoma employers , who employ 57.9% of the workforce in Oklahoma,  will have to comply with ObamaScare and will likely drop health coverage and possibly downsizing to avoid the high cost of health insurance
  • The federal government will provide worker subsidies, by only if you buy a policy through a state exchange (not through a federal exchange)
  • Like several other states, Oklahoma is considering not establishing a state exchange because of the high cost to the states.
  • If employers raise worker pay too much the employer faces a tax hit coming or going
  • Starting in 2014, Americans must report on the income tax return whether they have "qualified" health insurance.  If you do not have a "qualified" plan you have to pay the higher of $95 or 1% of taxable income.  In 2015 the tax rises again, to $695 or 2.5% of taxable income.  
  • The IRS will become Big Brother
  • Qualified plans will be graded bronze (cover 60% of cost), silver, gold and platinum (cover 90% of cost) - reflecting how much of health care costs are covered by the plan
  • Tennessee estimates that ObamaScare will cost them $716 million dollars the first year
  • Whether a person/family needs immunizations, mammograms, autism screening, or cholesterol screening, they will be paying for them anyway


  • ObamaScare expands Medicaid which will likely divert State funds from schools and roads
  • Work at too small a business and you might get taxed.  
  • Work for a firm with more than 50 employees, you might get fired and then taxed.  
  • Work for a large firm with "insufficient" coverage, you might get dumped into your state's Medicaid program or health exchange.  Unless your state does not expand Medicaid or set up an exchange, in which case you just get dumped and then taxed.
  • If employers have 40+ workers they will be financially penalized for exceeding 50.  
  • The IRS will expand the federal workforce by the thousands - agents, administrators, regulators, etc.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Imperialist, Incompetent, or Ideologue? All?

    1. DREAM Act:
    2. Dodd-Frank Act: hurting community banks
    3.   Cyber-Attack Leaks Put US in Danger
    4. Tax the rich - (class warfare) 
    5. Broken Promises to American People: "transparency"  "accountability"  "reduce the deficit by half in his first term"  "bringing people together"
    6. trial of Khaled Sheik Mohammed
    7. Fast and Furious (coverup?)
    8. killing of Anwar al-Awlaki
    9. News for Nanny State
    10. White House vs. Property Rights:  (Bankruptcy): General Motors and Chrysler bond holders
    11. simpson-bowles commission (ignored)
    12. Cap and trade Legislation
    13. "Czar" Van Jones
    14. affiliation with SEIU
    15. Fisker Motors
    16. White House vs. Pro-Life:   (reference Chen Guangcheng)
    17. Dr. Shakil Afridi
    18. Polish death camps 
    19. Social Security bankruptcy
    20.  SEIU union favoritism and access to the White House
    21. ACORN:   Obama Joined ACORN-Linked 'New Party' in 1990s
    22. ObamaScare:  Louisiana Purchase, Gator-aid, Cornhusker Kickback (logrolling)
    23.  federal budgets to INCREASE spending
    24.  ObamaScare (20 new taxes)
    25.  Iran 
    26.  Keystone Pipeline
    27.  Solyndra, First Solar,Raser Technologies, ECOtality, Nevada Geothermal Power, Abound Solar, Beacon Power, SunPower
    28.  ObamaScare:  individual MANDATES 
    29.  loans to Brazil and Brazilian oil purchases
    30. Rev. Jeremiah Wright
    31. White House vs. Supreme Court 
    32. White House vs. Senator Jim Inhofe:  Global Warming
    33. TSA vs. Privacy:  Airport Security
    34. Birth Certificates
    35. Cash for Clunkers
    36. College Transcripts (hidden)
    37. 1,000,000 Chevy Volts on the highway
    38. White House vs. Arizona:  Immigration:  Protection of the border
    39. Anti-capitalism:  "fat-cats" and other monikers
    40. GSA conferences in Las Vegas
    41. NLRB vs. Boeing
    42. White House vs. Fox News:  "not a legitimate news organization"
    43. High gasoline prices
    44. Home foreclosures - tinkering but not solving the problem
    45. Speeches in Cairo, Berlin
    46. Bowing to Saudi Arabia's King
    47. Not supporting a Balanced Budget amendment
    48. 40% increase in Food Stamps
    49. Growth of Federal entitlements:  
    50. 50% of Americans pay no income taxes
    51. Denigration of American exceptional-ism
    52. Holding the record for the number of fund raising events during office
    53. White House vs. Utilities: Cap and Trade legislation to increase costs of fossil fuels (electricity)
    54. White House vs. Doctors:  Medicare Doc fixes; 
    55. Executive Orders to go around Congress
    56. White House  Using Signing Statements after he criticized Bush for doing the same thing

OBAMA before and after

Compare Obama the candidate versus Obama the President - we deserve better!

  As Candidate (promised)                      As President (delivered)

  1. Pacifist                                   Libya 
  2. against raising debit ceiling       raise debt ceiling 
  3. against Bush foreign policy      endorsed Bush foreign policy
  4. immigration reform                  sue Arizona 
  5. inclusion of all citizens              polarization by race, by religion
  6. pro-business                           anti-business
  7. equal opportunity for all           increase in food stamps & redistribution of wealth
  8. cool under fire                         arrogance and condescension
  9. full employment                       inflation and more unemployment
  10. balanced budgets                    $&$%@^%*$**&^*
  11. transparency in government      $&$%@^%*$**&^*
  12. economic growth                    bureaucratic regulations
  13. hope and change                     fear and worry 
  14. defeat of Patriot Act                extended without comment
  15. leadership                               follower
  16. Constitutionalism                     Regulations
  17. national energy policy               *&(**&%%^&###@%$#^%^$#
  18. global respect of USA              Apologizing for USA
  19. Christain                                  pro-Muslim
  20. economic prosperity                 economic misery 
  21. accountability                           $&$%@^%*$**&^*            

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Obama's Legacy: Hope Diminshed

  1. White House vs. Economic Recovery:  businesses and families are fearfully concerned about uncertainty of:  inflationrising interest ratesdecline of real estate valuationsdebasement of currencyhome foreclosures, higher local state and federal taxes in 2013rising health care costsunemploymentunderemploymentstudent loanscost of ObamaCareenvironmental regulationsability to obtain mortgages and bank loansmore federal deficitsGlobal recessionfederal loans to friends of Obamahigher gasoline priceshigher electricity ratesinability of career politicians to solve problems , Congressional disregard of the Constitutioninability of the Federal Government to meets its entitlement obligationsWhite House apparent disdain for the Supreme Court, tax code complexity, illegal immigration, etc.
  2. White House vs. 2008 Promises to American People: "transparency"  "accountability"  "reduce the deficit by half in his first term"  "bringing people together"
  3. White House vs. New York City: trial of Khaled Sheik Mohammed
  4. White House vs. Obesity: News for Nanny State
  5. White House vs. Property Rights:  (Bankruptcy): General Motors and Chrysler bond holders
  6. White House vs. Fedral Debt and Deficits: ignoring simpson-bowles commission 
  7. White House vs. Right to Work: 
  8. White House vs. Insurance Industry: Obamacare (taxes on medical equipment)
  9. White House vs. Jobs:  Keystone Pipeline
  10. White House vs. Taxpayers with Green Energy Loans: Solyndra, First Solar,Raser Technologies, ECOtality, Nevada Geothermal Power, Abound Solar, Beacon Power, SunPower  
  11. White House vs. US Oil and Gas:  loans to Brazil and Brazilian oil purchases
  12. White House vs. Supreme Court : Obama-care, campaign  financing
  13. White House vs. Senator Jim Inhofe:  Global Warming
  14. White House vs. Arizona:  Immigration:  Protection of the border
  15. White House vs. Fox News:  "not a legitimate news organization"
  16. White House vs. Utilities: Cap and Trade legislation to increase costs of fossil fuels (electricity)
  17. White House vs. Doctors:  Medicare Doc fixes; 
  18. White House vs. Congress:  Using Signing Statements after he criticized Bush for doing the same thing
  19. White House vs. Catholics Decrease in Religious liberty (Obama-care)
  20. White House vs. Creditors: Bailout of General Motors and Chrysler
  21. White House vs. Taxpayers: Bailout of AIG
  22. White House vs. Wall Street: Anti-business administration (War against the 1%)
  23. First and only downgrade of US credit rating by S&P
  24. White House vs. Tea Party:
  25. White House vs. President Bush: Blaming everything on President Bush since 2008

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness
Do Not Tread on ME!

Concerns about Obama's Presidency

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

The Debt Bomb" by Tom A Coburn, MD - US Oklahoma Senator:  
He talks about earmarks, careerism of politicians, and our dying Constitution.

The Roots of Obama's Rage - By Dinesh D'Souza

Amateur By Edward Klein 

'Confront and Conceal,' by David Sanger

Michelle Malkin » Culture of corruption

Obama vs.Truth

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

White House vs. Truthfulness:  "the private sector is doing fine" "the notion the White House would purposely leak classified information is offensive" "My mother was denied health insurance" "Solyndra was not our program per se" ObamaCare wil not add one dime to our deficits" "all of the above energy policy" "shovel ready jobs" "I am the most fiscally conservative President since Ike" " We only have 2% of the world's oil reserves" "Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, who?"

White House vs. Taxpayers:  raising taxes on the middle class

Obama's Legacy - Imperial Presidency

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

  1. White House vs. Taxpayers:  ObamaScare - 20 new taxes Public opposition to the health care law remains high: 47 percent of respondents in a recent Associated Press-GfK poll said they oppose the law while 33 percent said they support it. Thirteen percent said they are neutral. Those who strongly oppose the legislation also outnumber those who strongly support it, 32 percent to 17 percent, about a 2-to-1 margin.     Chief Justice John Roberts' majority opinion said the law's requirement that Americans purchase health care is a tax, which Republicans argued contradicted Obama and Democrats who insist they aren't raising taxes on the poor and middle class.  Insuring an additional 30 million people will raise the costs and the taxpayer will have to pay - who else?   The word “health” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution,    In all the hoopla over ‘ObamaScare’s’ potential impact on health care premiums and insurance companies’ bottom lines, people seem to have overlooked a key passage that raises the tax on investment income.
  2. White House vs. Voter Intimidation:  New Black Panthers
  3. White House Claim of Executive Privilege:  Constitutional Crisis - Operation Fast and Furious
  4. White House Use of Executive Orders:  Constitutional Crisis - separation of powers   With more Americans unemployed at any time since the Great Depression, President Obama is making it easier for illegal aliens to take American jobs. That's right: With 20 million Americans having trouble finding work, President Obama's bypassed Congress to unilaterally give amnesty and work permits to 2-3 million illegal aliens currently in the United States. It means more job competition and wage depression for working class and fewer jobs for returning veterans and recent graduates.
  5. White House Senate recess appointments:   Constitutional Crisis - no confirmation by the Senate

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Transforming America: How long will it take? Sooner rather than Later.....

As further evidence that the transformation of America is still on-going, one should read the May 15, 2011 column of George Will.  The National Labor Relations Board [which is supposed to be independent] is continuing its assault upon Boeing and the State of South Carolina for having the audacity of wanting to build Dreamliners in a Right-to-Work state.  NLRB waited two years to attack Boeing and IS jeopardizing both jobs and BILLIONS invested in the State of South Carolina.  This is how BIG BROTHER is being imposed on citizens just to protect Unions vis-a-vis Business and state sovereignty.

It is suggested that one should read Rich Lowry's article entitled "President Obama's Program In Shambles:  Economy slip-sliding away" published May 1, 2011 to gather some background and appreciation for the opinions expressed here.



In my opinion, President Obama has stayed true to his convictions he espoused during the 2008 presidential campaign:  He appears engaged and motivated to pursue the transformation of America into a vision of George Sorros's New World Order. 

Obama's transformation agenda for America is:
  1. to significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels (by whatever means necessary)
  2. to significantly increase employee Union power and influence
  3. to significantly redistribute wealth to the poor (by whatever means necessary)
  4. to reduce the long-term global influence of America financially, politically, and militarily
What methods Obama intends to use to complete his agenda:
  • thru legislation (ObamaCare) (Dodd-Franks) (Cap-and-Trade)  - to increase entitlements - to put financial institutions under more federal control - to increase the cost of fossil fuels
  • thru EPA regulations (federal register) - to prevent oil and gas companies from drilling - to prevent utility companies use of fossil fules - to increase the price of gasoline
  • thru Federal Reserve: - to weaken the dollar - to encourage asset inflation -
  • thru NLRB - empower unions and curb corporate management's ability to control employees and costs
  • by demonizing Republicans (there is more to come if he is re-elected) to produce fear of any changes they suggest to social entitlements or financial controls of Wall Street - to produce class envy - to discredit any effort to alter his agenda as a racist attack
  • by taking advantage of any opportunity to promote his agenda by using stealth, and obfuscation (Middle East unrest) (lack of immigration reforms)  
  • President Obama took advantage of the financial crisis during the Great Recession to successfully put America on the path to hopefully complete his agenda
  • Increase income taxes on the most productive people
Evidence of his intentions and motivations to complete agenda :
  • the credentials and ideological background of his czars (communists, radicals, liberation theology, etc.)
  • the credentials and ideological background of his political advisers and associates (communists, liberation theology, etc.)
  • his public comments about redistribution-of-wealth during the last campaign
  • his public support of cap-and-trade legislation (raising the cost of fossil fuels)
  • his association with Bill Ayers and Van Jones and numerous other radicals  (he openly admits to seeking out radicals in college)
  • his acknowledged emotional support of SEIU and reliance upon their organizational support
  • his professorial arrogance (he knows and understands more than anyone else and thus he does not need to consult or listen to the peasants)
  • his apparent inattention to any racial issues - why does he not?
  • his willingness to blame America for the ills of the world - Cairo, Egypt speech
  • his indirect, yet continuous, inter-connectivity with George Sorros and/or George Sorros funded organizations
  • his apparent inattention and leadership of the consequences of the large federal debt and budget deficits
  • lawsuits filed against any state daring to interfere with his agenda
  • Obama has almost tripled the amount of our national debt and about doubled the amount being spent on entitlement programs since he was elected
  • he never offers a olive-branch to the other side to negotiate in-good-faith

Consequences to American citizens if this agenda is allowed to be fully implemented: 
  • reduction of wealth and prosperity
  • reduction of America's global interests
  • less long-term investment  
  • employment stagnation
  • economic class warfare
  • reduction in the standard of living
  • ethnic polarization - the balkanization of America!
  • ally distrust
  • permanent increase in the cost of fossil fuels
  • more regulation of personal liberties, freedoms, and speech