Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Transforming America: How long will it take? Sooner rather than Later.....

As further evidence that the transformation of America is still on-going, one should read the May 15, 2011 column of George Will.  The National Labor Relations Board [which is supposed to be independent] is continuing its assault upon Boeing and the State of South Carolina for having the audacity of wanting to build Dreamliners in a Right-to-Work state.  NLRB waited two years to attack Boeing and IS jeopardizing both jobs and BILLIONS invested in the State of South Carolina.  This is how BIG BROTHER is being imposed on citizens just to protect Unions vis-a-vis Business and state sovereignty.

It is suggested that one should read Rich Lowry's article entitled "President Obama's Program In Shambles:  Economy slip-sliding away" published May 1, 2011 to gather some background and appreciation for the opinions expressed here.



In my opinion, President Obama has stayed true to his convictions he espoused during the 2008 presidential campaign:  He appears engaged and motivated to pursue the transformation of America into a vision of George Sorros's New World Order. 

Obama's transformation agenda for America is:
  1. to significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels (by whatever means necessary)
  2. to significantly increase employee Union power and influence
  3. to significantly redistribute wealth to the poor (by whatever means necessary)
  4. to reduce the long-term global influence of America financially, politically, and militarily
What methods Obama intends to use to complete his agenda:
  • thru legislation (ObamaCare) (Dodd-Franks) (Cap-and-Trade)  - to increase entitlements - to put financial institutions under more federal control - to increase the cost of fossil fuels
  • thru EPA regulations (federal register) - to prevent oil and gas companies from drilling - to prevent utility companies use of fossil fules - to increase the price of gasoline
  • thru Federal Reserve: - to weaken the dollar - to encourage asset inflation -
  • thru NLRB - empower unions and curb corporate management's ability to control employees and costs
  • by demonizing Republicans (there is more to come if he is re-elected) to produce fear of any changes they suggest to social entitlements or financial controls of Wall Street - to produce class envy - to discredit any effort to alter his agenda as a racist attack
  • by taking advantage of any opportunity to promote his agenda by using stealth, and obfuscation (Middle East unrest) (lack of immigration reforms)  
  • President Obama took advantage of the financial crisis during the Great Recession to successfully put America on the path to hopefully complete his agenda
  • Increase income taxes on the most productive people
Evidence of his intentions and motivations to complete agenda :
  • the credentials and ideological background of his czars (communists, radicals, liberation theology, etc.)
  • the credentials and ideological background of his political advisers and associates (communists, liberation theology, etc.)
  • his public comments about redistribution-of-wealth during the last campaign
  • his public support of cap-and-trade legislation (raising the cost of fossil fuels)
  • his association with Bill Ayers and Van Jones and numerous other radicals  (he openly admits to seeking out radicals in college)
  • his acknowledged emotional support of SEIU and reliance upon their organizational support
  • his professorial arrogance (he knows and understands more than anyone else and thus he does not need to consult or listen to the peasants)
  • his apparent inattention to any racial issues - why does he not?
  • his willingness to blame America for the ills of the world - Cairo, Egypt speech
  • his indirect, yet continuous, inter-connectivity with George Sorros and/or George Sorros funded organizations
  • his apparent inattention and leadership of the consequences of the large federal debt and budget deficits
  • lawsuits filed against any state daring to interfere with his agenda
  • Obama has almost tripled the amount of our national debt and about doubled the amount being spent on entitlement programs since he was elected
  • he never offers a olive-branch to the other side to negotiate in-good-faith

Consequences to American citizens if this agenda is allowed to be fully implemented: 
  • reduction of wealth and prosperity
  • reduction of America's global interests
  • less long-term investment  
  • employment stagnation
  • economic class warfare
  • reduction in the standard of living
  • ethnic polarization - the balkanization of America!
  • ally distrust
  • permanent increase in the cost of fossil fuels
  • more regulation of personal liberties, freedoms, and speech

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