Monday, March 30, 2009

Tax Receipts are a function of Tax Rates

As the rates rise the receipts fall. I am sure there is a correlcation.
clipped from

Why The Tax Rate Debate Is Irrelevant


In a 1924 speech before the National Republican Club, President Calvin Coolidge observed "that when the taxation of large incomes is excessive, they tend to disappear." Coolidge found that in 1916, 206 people had incomes of $1,000,000 or more, but once a higher tax rate on million-dollar incomes was passed, the number dwindled--falling all the way to 21 in 1921.

In his book, The View From No. 11, Nigel Lawson, Margaret Thatcher's former chancellor of the exchequer, answered the above riddle with great ease. The Thatcher government inherited nosebleed rates of taxation, but as Lawson quickly found, the "higher rates we inherited were frequently not paid. The well-heeled and well-advised took great pains to avoid liability through the perfectly legal use of tax shelters of one kind or another; and the tax avoidance industry flourished as never before." Translated: When politicians target income for tax purposes, incomes change.

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