Friday, July 06, 2012

Obama's Legacy: Hope Diminshed

  1. White House vs. Economic Recovery:  businesses and families are fearfully concerned about uncertainty of:  inflationrising interest ratesdecline of real estate valuationsdebasement of currencyhome foreclosures, higher local state and federal taxes in 2013rising health care costsunemploymentunderemploymentstudent loanscost of ObamaCareenvironmental regulationsability to obtain mortgages and bank loansmore federal deficitsGlobal recessionfederal loans to friends of Obamahigher gasoline priceshigher electricity ratesinability of career politicians to solve problems , Congressional disregard of the Constitutioninability of the Federal Government to meets its entitlement obligationsWhite House apparent disdain for the Supreme Court, tax code complexity, illegal immigration, etc.
  2. White House vs. 2008 Promises to American People: "transparency"  "accountability"  "reduce the deficit by half in his first term"  "bringing people together"
  3. White House vs. New York City: trial of Khaled Sheik Mohammed
  4. White House vs. Obesity: News for Nanny State
  5. White House vs. Property Rights:  (Bankruptcy): General Motors and Chrysler bond holders
  6. White House vs. Fedral Debt and Deficits: ignoring simpson-bowles commission 
  7. White House vs. Right to Work: 
  8. White House vs. Insurance Industry: Obamacare (taxes on medical equipment)
  9. White House vs. Jobs:  Keystone Pipeline
  10. White House vs. Taxpayers with Green Energy Loans: Solyndra, First Solar,Raser Technologies, ECOtality, Nevada Geothermal Power, Abound Solar, Beacon Power, SunPower  
  11. White House vs. US Oil and Gas:  loans to Brazil and Brazilian oil purchases
  12. White House vs. Supreme Court : Obama-care, campaign  financing
  13. White House vs. Senator Jim Inhofe:  Global Warming
  14. White House vs. Arizona:  Immigration:  Protection of the border
  15. White House vs. Fox News:  "not a legitimate news organization"
  16. White House vs. Utilities: Cap and Trade legislation to increase costs of fossil fuels (electricity)
  17. White House vs. Doctors:  Medicare Doc fixes; 
  18. White House vs. Congress:  Using Signing Statements after he criticized Bush for doing the same thing
  19. White House vs. Catholics Decrease in Religious liberty (Obama-care)
  20. White House vs. Creditors: Bailout of General Motors and Chrysler
  21. White House vs. Taxpayers: Bailout of AIG
  22. White House vs. Wall Street: Anti-business administration (War against the 1%)
  23. First and only downgrade of US credit rating by S&P
  24. White House vs. Tea Party:
  25. White House vs. President Bush: Blaming everything on President Bush since 2008

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness
Do Not Tread on ME!