It is suggested that one should read Rich Lowry's article entitled "President Obama's Program In Shambles: Economy slip-sliding away" published May 1, 2011 to gather some background and appreciation for the opinions expressed here.
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In my opinion, President Obama has stayed true to his convictions he espoused during the 2008 presidential campaign: He appears engaged and motivated to pursue the transformation of America into a vision of George Soros's New World Order.
Obama's transformation agenda for America is:
Consequences to American citizens if this agenda is allowed to be fully implemented:
Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness
In my opinion, President Obama has stayed true to his convictions he espoused during the 2008 presidential campaign: He appears engaged and motivated to pursue the transformation of America into a vision of George Soros's New World Order.
Obama's transformation agenda for America is:
- to significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels (by whatever means necessary)
- to significantly increase employee Union power and influence
- to significantly redistribute wealth to the poor (by whatever means necessary)
- to reduce the long-term global influence of America financially, politically, and militarily.
- thru legislation (ObamaCare) (Dodd-Franks) (Cap-and-Trade) - to increase entitlements - to put financial institutions under more federal control - to increase the cost of fossil fuels
- thru EPA regulations (federal register) - to prevent oil and gas companies from drilling - to prevent utility companies use of fossil fules - to increase the price of gasoline
- thru Federal Reserve: - to weaken the dollar - to encourage asset inflation -
- thru NLRB - empower unions and curb corporate management's ability to control employees and costs
- by demonizing Republicans (there is more to come if he is re-elected) to produce fear of any changes they suggest to social entitlements or financial controls of Wall Street - to produce class envy - to discredit any effort to alter his agenda as a racist attack
- by taking advantage of any opportunity to promote his agenda by using stealth, andobfuscation (Middle East unrest) (lack of immigration reforms)
- President Obama took advantage of the financial crisis during the Great Recession to successfully put America on the path to hopefully complete his agenda
- Increase income taxes on the most productive people
- the credentials and ideological background of his czars (communists, radicals, liberation theology, etc.)
- the credentials and ideological background of his political advisers and associates (communists, liberation theology, etc.)
- his public comments about redistribution-of-wealth during the last campaign
- his public support of cap-and-trade legislation (raising the cost of fossil fuels)
- his association with Bill Ayers and Van Jones and numerous other radicals (he openly admits to seeking out radicals in college)
- his acknowledged emotional support of SEIU and reliance upon their organizational support
- his professorial arrogance (he knows and understands more than anyone else and thus he does not need to consult or listen to the peasants)
- his apparent inattention to any racial issues - why does he not?
- his willingness to blame America for the ills of the world - Cairo, Egypt speech
- his indirect, yet continuous, inter-connectivity with George Sorros and/or George Sorros funded organizations
- his apparent inattention and leadership of the consequences of the large federal debt and budget deficits
- lawsuits filed against any state daring to interfere with his agenda
- Obama has almost tripled the amount of our national debt and about doubled the amount being spent on entitlement programs since he was elected
- he never offers a olive-branch to the other side to negotiate in-good-faith
Consequences to American citizens if this agenda is allowed to be fully implemented:
- reduction of wealth and prosperity
- reduction of America's global interests
- less long-term investment
- employment stagnation
- economic class warfare
- reduction in the standard of living
- ethnic polarization - the balkanization of America!
- ally distrust
- permanent increase in the cost of fossil fuels
- more regulation of personal liberties, freedoms, and speech
Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness
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