Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Top Stories of 2010

  1.  Unemployment
  2. Government regulation and pseudo-nationalization of Health Care industry
  3. Government Regulation of Auto and Banking industry
  4. Federal Debt 
  5. Federal Spending by 111th Congress
  6. Gulf Oil Spill and regulation of off-shore drilling
  7. Obama Administration's "Cap and Trade"
  8. Control of National Borders (Immigration Reform)
  9. Global Warming
  10. China's new economic power
  11. Real Estate Mortgage Crisis
  12. Toyota safety issues
  13. Congressional "Cash for Clunkers"
  14. Republican gains in Congress and Governorships
  15. Wikileaks
  16. GM financial collapse and comeback
  17. Wall Street Bailouts
  18. European Bailouts
  19. Haiti earthquake
  20. Apple Ipad
  21. TSA pat-downs
  22. Federal Reserve's quantitative easing
  23. Iraq war withdrawal
  24. Afghanistan war surge
  25. Iran nuclear program
  26. North Korea nuclear program

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

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