Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Townhall - The Obliteration of a Generation of Democrats

Townhall - The Obliteration of a Generation of Democrats:

"Currently, according to published polls, Republicans are leading in 54 Democratic House districts and, in 19 more, the incumbent congressman is under 50 percent of the vote and his GOP challenger is within five points. That makes 73 seats where victory is within easy grasp for the Republican Party. The only reason the list is not longer is that there are 160 Democratic House districts that were considered so strongly blue that there is no recent polling available.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dismantling America - by Thomas Sowell

 "'We the people' are the familiar opening words of the Constitution of the United States-- the framework for a self-governing people, free from the arbitrary edicts of rulers. It was the blueprint for America, and the success of America made that blueprint something that other nations sought to follow.

At the time when it was written, however, the Constitution was a radical departure from the autocratic governments of the 18th century. Since it was something so new and different, the reasons for the Constitution's provisions were spelled out in 'The Federalist,' a book written by three of the writers of the Constitution, as a sort of instruction guide to a new product.

The Constitution was not only a challenge to the despotic governments of its time, it has been a continuing challenge-- to this day-- to all those who think that ordinary people should be ruled by their betters, whether an elite of blood, or of books or of whatever else gives people a puffed-up sense of importance.

While the kings of old have faded into the mists of history, the principle of the divine rights of kings to impose whatever they wish on the masses lives on today in the rampaging presumptions of those who consider themselves anointed to impose their notions on others.

The Constitution of the United States is the biggest single obstacle to the carrying out of such rampaging presumptions, so it is not surprising that those with such presumptions have led the way in denigrating, undermining and evading the Constitution.

While various political leaders have, over the centuries, done things that violated either the spirit or the letter of the Constitution, few dared to openly say that the Constitution was wrong and that what they wanted was right.

It was the Progressives of a hundred years ago who began saying that the Constitution needed to be subordinated to whatever they chose to call 'the needs of the times.' Nor were they content to say that the Constitution needed more Amendments, for that would have meant that the much disdained masses would have something to say about whether, or what kind, of Amendments were needed.

The agenda then, as now, has been for our betters to decide among themselves which Constitutional safeguards against arbitrary government power should be disregarded, in the name of meeting 'the needs of the times'-- as they choose to define those needs.

The first open attack on the Constitution by a President of the United States was made by our only president with a Ph.D., Woodrow Wilson. Virtually all the arguments as to why judges should not take the Constitution as meaning what its words plainly say, but 'interpret' it to mean whatever it ought to mean, in order to meet 'the needs of the times,' were made by Woodrow Wilson.

It is no coincidence that those who imagine themselves so much wiser and nobler than the rest of us should be in the forefront of those who seek to erode Constitutional restrictions on the arbitrary powers of government. How can our betters impose their superior wisdom and virtue on us, when the Constitution gets in the way at every turn, with all its provisions to safeguard a system based on a self-governing people?

To get their way, the elites must erode or dismantle the Constitution, bit by bit, in one way or another. What that means is that they must dismantle America. This has been going on piecemeal over the years but now we have an administration in Washington that circumvents the Constitution wholesale, with its laws passed so fast that the public cannot know what is in them, its appointment of 'czars' wielding greater power than Cabinet members, without having to be exposed to pubic scrutiny by going through the confirmation process prescribed by the Constitution for Cabinet members.

Now there is leaked news of plans to change the immigration laws by administrative fiat, rather than Congressional legislation, presumably because Congress might be unduly influenced by those pesky voters-- with their Constitutional rights-- who have shown clearly that they do not want amnesty and open borders, despite however much our betters do. If the Obama administration gets away with this, and can add a few million illegals to the voting rolls in time for the 2012 elections, that can mean reelection, and with it a continuing and accelerating dismantling of America.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Obama Stimulus Made Economic Crisis Worse, `Black Swan' Author Taleb Says - Bloomberg

Obama Stimulus Made Economic Crisis Worse, `Black Swan' Author Taleb Says - Bloomberg: "U.S. President Barack Obama and his administration weakened the country’s economy by seeking to foster growth instead of paying down the federal debt, said Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of “The Black Swan.”

“Obama did exactly the opposite of what should have been done,” Taleb said yesterday in Montreal in a speech as part of Canada’s Salon Speakers series. “He surrounded himself with people who exacerbated the problem. You have a person who has cancer and instead of removing the cancer, you give him tranquilizers. When you give tranquilizers to a cancer patient, they feel better but the cancer gets worse.”

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We have bugs!

 debt bugs.jpg

Our Constitution

Our Constitution


The constitution of the United States was written to control the political appetites of our Federal government – not directed towards the States or the people.


Our constitution, a creation of James Madison, prevents the majority from imposing tyranny over the minority.  Our constitution proscribes negative prohibitions for our federal government to thwart tyranny, autocratic rule, theocracy, dictatorship, or any undemocratic activity.  All authority not specifically given to the federal government was intended to reside in the State and/or the people. 


The House of Representatives provides 435 representatives on the basis of population size by direct vote of the citizens.  The Senate was designed to provide 2 senators for each state in the union and originally appointed by each state legislature


Question about The Senate:

Why do we now popularly elect Senators?  Is there been any unintended consequences as a result of this change? 

Are the States no longer represented in Congress because Senators are popularly elected?


Senate deals blow to proposed 'Don't ask, don't tell' repeal in 56-43 vote -

Senate deals blow to proposed 'Don't ask, don't tell' repeal in 56-43 vote - "The Senate on Tuesday dealt a significant blow to the Obama administration’s efforts to repeal the ban on openly gay people serving in the military.

In a 56-43 vote, Senate Democratic leaders fell short of the 60 votes they needed to proceed to the 2011 defense authorization bill, which included language to repeal the Clinton-era “Don’t ask, don’t tell” law. Every Senate Republican present and three Democrats voted to block debate on the bill.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Bob Woodward book details Obama battles with advisers over exit plan for Afghan war

Bob Woodward book details Obama battles with advisers over exit plan for Afghan war: "Woodward's book portrays Obama and the White House as barraged by warnings about the threat of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and confronted with the difficulty in preventing them. During an interview with Woodward in July, the president said, 'We can absorb a terrorist attack. We'll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger.'

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Woodward Book Says Afghanistan Divided White House -

Woodward Book Says Afghanistan Divided White House - "WASHINGTON — Some of the critical players in President Obama’s national security team doubt his strategy in Afghanistan will succeed and have spent much of the last 20 months quarreling with one another over policy, personalities and turf, according to a new book.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Congressmen Weiner and Waxman Set Gold Hearing -- Seeking Alpha

Congressmen Weiner and Waxman Set Gold Hearing -- Seeking Alpha: "Just as the government is trying to prevent people from investing in anything other than T-Bills by raising taxes on taxable interest and dividends to confiscatory levels, it's also trying to prevent you from parking your wealth in assets, like gold, that compete with the paper dollars issued by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. A press release from Rep. Anthony Weiner, Democrat of New York, not yet (as of this instant) posted on Mr. Weiner's Web site, announces that a September 23 hearing of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection (a subcommittee of Rep. Henry Waxman's Commerce Committee) will focus on 'legislation that would regulate gold-selling companies, an industry who's [sic] relentless advertising is now staple of cable television.'

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tea Party Republican has big lead in Florida | Reuters

Tea Party Republican has big lead in Florida | Reuters: "The conservative Tea Party roiled Republican politics when a little-known candidate backed by the movement beat a veteran lawmaker in Delaware on Tuesday in the race to decide the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in November.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Real Estate: Foreclosures Rise; Repossessions Set Record - CNBC

Real Estate: Foreclosures Rise; Repossessions Set Record - CNBC: "US foreclosure activity rose in August from the previous month, and banks and lenders took ownership from homeowners at a record pace, according to a new report released Thursday.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Senate rejects amendment to strip out IRS reporting requirement in new health care law | Washington Examiner

Senate rejects amendment to strip out IRS reporting requirement in new health care law | Washington Examiner: "Partisanship is already dominating the final work week in the Senate. While both Republicans and Democrats agree that a new tax reporting requirement in the health care law should be scaled back, each party defeated the other side’s proposal to accomplish that goal.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Monday, September 13, 2010

Our Constitutional Convention

At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, delegates analyzed, argued and debated the new Constitution. George Mason, a Virginian, pleaded with the fifty-five delegates for a list of guaranteed rights. Mason (sometimes referred to as the "Father" of the Bill of Rights) wanted the new Constitution to guarantee freedom of speech, press, and religion, and the right to a fair jury trial. He also wanted to include the freedom to vote.

Earlier in his career, Mason had worked hard at the Virginia Assembly to help write a state constitution along with sixteen human rights. Other colonies liked this idea and added rights to their own state constitutions. By 1783, all thirteen colonies had some version of a bill of rights.

On September 17, 1787, Mason proposed that a bill of rights be add to the Constitution, but the idea was voted down. George Mason, along with Patrick Henry, John Hancock, and other Anti-Federalists opposed ratifying the Constitution. However, upon the promise from George Washington and other Federalists to add a bill of rights, the Constitution was ratified by nine of the thirteen states.

The states sent 189 suggested changes for the Constitution. James Madison narrowed them down to seventeen amendments. Congress approved twelve and the states rejected two. Finally, the ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights was adopted.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses - Associated Content -

Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses - Associated Content - "Father Manuel Musallem, head of Gaza's Latin church, told the AP that Muslims have ransacked, burned and looted a school and convent that are part of the Gaza Strip's small Romany Catholic community. He told the AP that crosses were broken, damage was done to a statue of Jesus, and at the Rosary Sister School and nearby convent, prayer books were burned.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Friday, September 10, 2010

HUGO Black

Freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views they have, or the views they express, or the words they speak or write.   

Inaugural Address

It is only when the People become ignorant and corrupt, they they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty.  Let us, by all wise and constitutional measures, promote intelligence among the People, as the best means of preserving our liberties.

-- President James Monroe

USDA knew of problems at farm behind egg recall: report - Yahoo! News

USDA knew of problems at farm behind egg recall: report - Yahoo! News: "BANGALORE (Reuters) – U.S. Department of Agriculture experts knew about sanitary problems at one of the two Iowa farms at the center of a massive nationwide egg recall, but did not notify health authorities, the Wall Street Journal reported.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Credit card use plunges as hard times drag on, debit use rises -

Credit card use plunges as hard times drag on, debit use rises - "Enlarge image Enlarge By Elaine Thompson, AP
As credit card usage declines, debit card purchases are on the rise.

Part 1: How rising home values, easy credit put your finances at risk
Part 2: Why banks are boosting credit card interest rates and fees
Part 3: Credit cards' soaring rates bite consumers
Part 4: Sliding economy raises questions about credit scores
Part 5 : Checking accounts are targets as banks find ways to boost fees
Part 6: Banks' 'courtesy' loans at soaring rates irk consumers

Americans have sharply reduced their use of credit cards, and some analysts believe the trend will continue even after the economy has fully recovered.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Obama Taps Goolsbee as Top White House Economist - CNBC

Obama Taps Goolsbee as Top White House Economist - CNBC: "President Obama on Friday will promote a longtime economic adviser, Austan D. Goolsbee, to chairman of his Council of Economic Advisers, signaling continuity even as a high unemployment rate has left much of the public dissatisfied with administration policies.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Why The Federal Reserve Is Responsible For the Mortgage Loan Meltdown | The Personal Finance Program

Why The Federal Reserve Is Responsible For the Mortgage Loan Meltdown | The Personal Finance Program: "It was the Federal Reserve Bank, and only the Federal Reserve, that was responsible for increasing the ratio between how much money a bank had on deposit and how much it could lend to 30-1. Did you see Jon Stewart hammer Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC’s Mad Money, on who did this? Well, the answer is, the Federal Reserve Bank did it. President Barack Obama’s failure to replace Ben Bernake at Treasury and the failure of Congress to set about replacing the Federal Reserve Banking System are unconscionable.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Economists cut U.S. growth forecast again - Yahoo! Finance

Economists cut U.S. growth forecast again - Yahoo! Finance: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Projected U.S. economic growth for the rest of this year and next was revised down for a third month in a row by a panel of about 50 economists.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Debt, financial crisis hurt U.S. competitiveness

Debt, financial crisis hurt U.S. competitiveness: "The United States slipped from second to fourth in the survey, behind Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore. It had fallen from first place the year before.

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Random Pat-Downs Turn PATCO Into Police State | NBC Philadelphia

Random Pat-Downs Turn PATCO Into Police State | NBC Philadelphia:

"“We can conduct any kind of search we want,' said McClintock. 'We could ask TSA to bring wands or X-ray machines like they have in airports, though we don't think that's appropriate for PATCO riders at this time.'

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Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Obama channels Hendrix on critics: ‘They talk about me like a dog’ | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Obama channels Hendrix on critics: ‘They talk about me like a dog’ The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News: "Has President Obama been listening to a lot of Jimi Hendrix lately? With just under two months to go before Election Day, Obama kicked off the fall campaign season Monday with an aggressive speech targeting Republicans. But it was an off-script moment in the speech that's attracted the most attention, as Obama accused his GOP critics of talking about him 'like a dog.'"
Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Top Iran cleric rejects Holocaust as 'superstition'

Top Iran cleric rejects Holocaust as 'superstition':

"A senior Iranian cleric, Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, dismissed the Nazi Holocaust of Jews during World War II as a new 'superstition' for the West, media reported on Saturday.
'The Holocaust is nothing but superstition, but Zionists say that people of the world should be forced to accept this,' he was quoted as saying by the state news agency IRNA.
'Americans and Westerners are affected by newly appeared superstitions such as the Holocaust,' he said according to ISNA news agency."

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Afghans protest U.S. church's plans to torch Koran  - Yahoo! News UK

Afghans protest U.S. church's plans to torch Koran - Yahoo! News UK: "The protesters, mostly students from religious schools, gathered outside Kabul's Milad ul-Nabi mosque to condemn plans by the Gainesville, Florida-based Dove World Outreach Centre to burn copies of the Koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the attacks against the United States."

Labor Protests - Commuters Walloped by Strikes in France, London - CNBC

Labor Protests - Commuters Walloped by Strikes in France, London - CNBC

French unions challenged unpopular President Nicolas Sarkozy with a major nationwide strike over plans to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62, shutting down trains, planes, buses, subways, post offices and schools.

‘Machete’ producers lied about racist bloodbath

‘Machete’ producers lied about racist bloodbath:

"What’s inflammatory?
- Opening scene where pregnant mother trying to cross the border is killed by DeNiro and border vigilantes to ‘prevent another anchor baby’
- A phony campaign ad for DeNiro’s Senator McLaughlin depicts hundreds of crawling worms and cockroaches while decrying the “parasite” immigrant “terrorists” crossing the border.
- ‘The Network’ of Latinos was continually virtuous while the Freedom Force, a vigilante group cast with caricatures of hillbilly trash, neo-Nazi types and fat slobs, repeatedly use terms like “wetbacks,” “cucarachas,” “parasites,” “beaners” and more.
- Freedom Fighter vigilantes regularly go out on adventures to snipe at illegals near the border and film their exploits
- A Catholic priest played by Cheech Marin is crucified by the character “Booth” who slings racist insults while nailing him to the cross
- A scene in a hospital where it is declared that illegal immigrants are usually refused emergency care, but Machete is lucky that ‘The Network’ is there to help him this time. (In reality, the cost of health care for undocumented illegal immigrants, for both emergency care, births, public education and beyond is burdensome to every Southern border state, as well as in many other areas.)"

Monday, September 06, 2010


POLITICO Live: - "I wouldn’t raise anyone’s taxes. The recovery is just too fragile to take that chance,” Zandi said. “These aren’t normal times. High-income households are very, very fragile.”"

YouTube - Democrats on Iraq + WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

YouTube - Democrats on Iraq + WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

These are great clips.

Analysts: White House Panicking Over Elections - Face The Nation - CBS News

Analysts: White House Panicking Over Elections - Face The Nation - CBS News: "CBS Congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes said the Democrats are distancing themselves from President Obama.

'Not only are they running away from President Obama, they're running away from being Democrats in some cases. In some races you actually see the Democratic candidates not really mentioning that they're a Democrat in their campaign ads,' Cordes said."

Jamie Stiehm - Oval Office rug gets history wrong

Jamie Stiehm - Oval Office rug gets history wrong: "A mistake has been made in the Oval Office makeover that goes beyond the beige."

Globalist Soros Launches Frontal Assault Against Tea Party

Globalist Soros Launches Frontal Assault Against Tea Party: "Soros and the foundation left have launched a website designed to go after the growing Tea Party movement. will post video interviews and blog entries gathered by folks on the false left who never grow weary of demonstrating their outrage over the very idea of a grassroots political effort overthrowing establishment Democrats and Republicans in the district of corporate criminals."

My Way News - Obama calling for more infrastructure spending

My Way News - Obama calling for more infrastructure spending: "Vowing to find new ways to stimulate the sputtering economy, President Barack Obama will call for long-term investments in the nation's roads, railways and runways that would cost at least $50 billion."

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Malcolm Berko wrote a column September 5, 2010 that really caught my attention.  He was responding to a question about the Elliott Wave Theory and its prognostication that the Dow would fall to 1000.  His response was concise and seemed to grasp all the worries and concerns about our economy.
..."I do agree that most of use are living 20 to 25 years ahead of ourselves, and we are being forced to lower our standard of living.  Wages will decline, taxes will increase, personal consumption will decline, housing prices will continue to drop, the national debt will worsen, the health care bill will crater federal and state budgets and unemployment will grow.
And across the pond, Europeans are reducing their budgets, lowering their pension payouts, raising taxes and locking their treasuries.  Their imports will decline and our exports will decline, causing the loss of more U.S. jobs.  Europe's standard of living will fall, unemployment will increase and their wages will fall.
Oh, it won't happen today or next week... but it is happening now, sort of like a death from a thousand cuts".
This from someone that has given people investment advice for years and has a good grasp of economics.  I believe these words are a prediction of where things are headed right now.

Larry Henson

Friday, September 03, 2010

Former Car Czar Rattner Rats on Obama |

Former Car Czar Rattner Rats on Obama | "Former Obama administration car czar Steven Rattner is coming out with a new book that depicts him swashbuckling through the financial crisis and also shows Obama as 'out to get' the car companies and the administration making political decisions about how to deal with bankrupt automakers GM and Chrysler.

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Employment Situation Summary

Employment Situation Summary: "Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for adult men (9.8 per- cent), adult women (8.0 percent), teenagers (26.3 percent), whites (8.7 per- cent), blacks (16.3 percent), and Hispanics (12.0 percent) showed little change in August. The jobless rate for Asians was 7.2 percent, not season- ally adjusted.

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Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Signs in Arizona warn of smuggler dangers - Washington Times

Signs in Arizona warn of smuggler dangers - Washington Times: "The federal government has posted signs along a major interstate highway in Arizona, more than 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, warning travelers the area is unsafe because of drug and alien smugglers, and a local sheriff says Mexican drug cartels now control some parts of the state.

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, whose county lies at the center of major drug and alien smuggling routes to Phoenix and cities east and west, attests to the violence. He said his deputies are outmanned and outgunned by drug traffickers in the rough-hewn desert stretches of his own county.
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This is a disgrace by any standard.

dont-get-fooled-by-bernanke: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

dont-get-fooled-by-bernanke: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance: "Bernanke knows that the real problem with the economy is a lack of demand. 'Fiscal impetus and the inventory cycle can drive recovery only temporarily,' he says. For a sustained recovery, he says, 'growth in private final demand — notably consumer spending and business fixed investment — must ultimately take the lead.'

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Cramer: Obama’s Stimulus is a Joke

Cramer: Obama’s Stimulus is a Joke

This is quite an admission from Jim Cramer. Apparently we spent money without any positive results.

Who Is The Man Behind The Ground Zero Mosque? « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY

Who Is The Man Behind The Ground Zero Mosque? « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

I believe the public has every right to know as much as possible about his motives and background.

Wealthy lawmakers increased their riches as U.S. economy sputtered in '09 -

Wealthy lawmakers increased their riches as U.S. economy sputtered in '09 - "The wealthiest members of Congress grew richer in 2009 even as the economy struggled to recover from a deep recession.

The 50 wealthiest lawmakers were worth almost $1.4 billion in 2009, about $85.1 million more than 12 months earlier, according to The Hill’s annual review of lawmakers’ financial disclosure forms.

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It is disgraceful for any elected official to become wealthier while conducting business for the people. You know they received inside information, preferential treatment, and benefits that the average citizen would never be able to attain. They should be ashamed.

U.S. Auto Sales May Hit 28-Year Low as Discounts Flop - Bloomberg

U.S. Auto Sales May Hit 28-Year Low as Discounts Flop - Bloomberg: "“Home sales are way down, the stock market is way down, the unemployment report is very disappointing and consumer confidence is sputtering,” Jesse Toprak, vice president of industry trends at, said in an interview. “People just don’t want to make big-ticket purchases because they’re uncertain about their jobs and the value of their homes.”

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