Tuesday, June 29, 2010

21 Things You Should Never Buy New - Yahoo! News

21 Things You Should Never Buy New - Yahoo! News

Greek workers walked off their jobs as part of another nationwide strike to protest the austerity measures the government put in place to try and reduce debt. The austerity measures were a requirement for Greece to receive a bailout from other European Union members and the International Monetary Fund.

Dow tumbles below 10,000 on world economy concerns - USATODAY.com

Dow tumbles below 10,000 on world economy concerns - USATODAY.com

Companies have indicated things are getting better, yet there are few signs they are ready to hire in big numbers. The Labor Department's monthly employment report due Friday is expected to show the unemployment rate rose 0.1% to 9.8% in June.

Consumer Confidence Drops In June On Jobs Worries - CNBC

Consumer Confidence Drops In June On Jobs Worries - CNBC

Americans, worried about jobs and the sluggish economic recovery, are having a relapse in confidence, causing a widely watched index to tumble in June and raising concerns about consumer spending in the critical months ahead.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Bill Clinton: Iran Poses 'Suitcase Nuke' Threat

Bill Clinton: Iran Poses 'Suitcase Nuke' Threat

The key nuclear threat that Iran poses to the world, according to former President Bill Clinton, is the risk that it may sell dangerous materials that could be used in suitcase bombs.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

BBC News - Mexico challenges Arizona's immigration law

BBC News - Mexico challenges Arizona's immigration law

I find this development troubling. We have Mexico interfering in domestic issues of national importance. I conclude that we MUST let this law stand if for no other reason than Mexico's interference in our affairs.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Oklahoma unemployment rate reaches 6.7 percent

The Following Article Was Sent By: LHENSON@YAHOO.COM
Personal Message To You:
New figures show more Oklahomans were out of work in May than in April or during the same period in 2009. Read more: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-unemployment-rate-reaches-6.7-percent/article/3470145
Oklahoma unemployment rate reaches 6.7 percent

New figures show more Oklahomans were out of work in May than in April or during the same period in 2009.According to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, Oklahoma's unemployment rate was 6.7 percent, a slight increase over the 6.6 percent rate reported in April. The agency says the rate represented 119,430 people.
Click Here For the Full Article

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Constitutional Quiz

It might be very appropriate to ask anyone filing for a position as a US Senator or a US Representative to take a short quiz on the constitution and to have the results posted on the internet.

We need to know that our representative have some knowledge of the US Constitution.

Term Limits for Congress

Our only prayer for better representation of the people is to limit the terms that anyone can serve in the United State Congress.  Twelve years seems long enough.  Two terms for a US Senator and six terms for a US Representative.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

the Clean up in the Gulf

Michele Bachmann: The Truth on the Cleanup

Congresswoman Bachmann joined Sean on the show to discuss the latest in the Gulf spill. Congresswoman Bachmann was harsh on the Obama administration saying, "The Obama administration has been focused more on BP and the money than on capping the oil well." She continued, "This money should be used for legitimate claims for legitimate victims and not money that should be tapped by the Federal government."

Long-Term Trading Strategy for Oil - MoneyShow.com

Long-Term Trading Strategy for Oil - MoneyShow.com

Long-Term Trading Strategy for Oil

Many investors are worried that the euro zone debt crisis could cause economic slowdowns even in countries outside the region. However, I remain long-term bullish on the prospects for crude oil, as emerging countries continue to experience growth and we are still many years away from a viable energy alternative. If you agree, you might consider a long-term options strategy that will allow you to weather some short-term price fluctuations in crude oil.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fidelity.com: Without jobs, housing rebound may take years

Gold Pushes Higher

As Stocks Struggle for Footing, Gold Pushes Higher


By: Lori Spechler
CNBC Senior Editor


Investors looking for clues about the markets can't help but notice that gold is making another record high, and that stocks are continuing to struggle.



Monday, June 14, 2010

Yahoo! News Story - Gallup poll finds Dems too liberal for most independent voters - Yahoo! News

Larry Henson (lhenson@yahoo.com) has sent you a news article.
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:

Gallup poll finds Dems too liberal for most independent voters - Yahoo! News


Yahoo! News

Oklahoma flooding: Threats continue as rain may taper off this afternoon.

The Following Article Was Sent By: lhenson@yahoo.com
Personal Message To You:
Oklahoma flooding: Threats continue as rain may taper off this afternoon.

Officials said motorists should stay home and not underestimate the danger of driving on flooded city streets as flash flood warnings continued for the Oklahoma City area.
Click Here For the Full Article

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Moody's Investors Service slashed Greece's government-bond ratings by four notches to "junk" territory, saying there was "considerable" uncertainty surrounding the timing and impact of support measures on the country's economic growth.

The ratings agency cut the rating to Ba1, which is the highest junk-level rating, a level that reflects Moody's analysis of the balance of strengths and risks associated with a joint support package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund.

Markets reacted relatively modestly to the downgrade, which came after European markets had closed. The euro held onto most of the day's gains, which came on strong euro-zone ...





Several factors point to double-dip recession

Here is a Marketplace story from larry henson.

You can hear the story, titled "Several factors point to double-dip recession",
on the Marketplace website,

larry henson also sent this message....
pray that we do not have another recession

For all the news from the world of business and beyond, listen to Marketplace on
your local public radio station, or visit the Marketplace website at <
http://www.marketplace.org >.

Customers & Friends

Howard Henson & Associates, Inc. is going out of business.  The economy is 80% of the reason and the remaining 20% is just the desire to retire and enjoy the grandchildren.



Sunday, June 13, 2010


NYT admits Obamacare = redistribution of wealth


In a stunning admission, The New York Times admits what Glenn has been saying all along: this healthcare bill is not about health or care - it's about the redistribution of wealth. Remember, this is the President who feels one of the 'tragedies' of the Warren court was that there was not enough 'redistributive change' that came out of it. The President and his supporters will scold anyone who dares call him a socialist - so what will they say about this NYT article titled “In health bill, Obama attacks wealth inequality.”


Glenn breaks down the article in this week’s Beck Talks video blog.